How to keep pigeons away from your balcony?

Unfortunately, having pigeons on your balcony is more likely to cause irritation than delight. For the obvious reason that they like to relieve themselves when resting, whether they are perching for a short time or staying there for a while. If you want to get rid of the birds but don't want to hurt them, keep reading!

During the colder months, many people enjoy having feathered visitors to their balcony, and one way to do this is to set up a bird feeder to provide food for the birds and provide a unique vantage point for watching them. Pigeons, on the other hand, are not usually seen as a welcome visitor because of the destruction they cause to plants and the poop they leave behind, neither of which are desirable features in a cosy outdoor refuge. The group's cooing has the potential to be really annoying. Some pigeons may even be carrying diseases, so if they become a nuisance on your balcony, it's probably best to get rid of them with the help of humane spikes for bird control offered by Pigeono.

Let's get something straight: those pigeons on your balcony may be annoying, but they're still real, breathing beings that don't know any better. If you want to get rid of the birds, you can't use any kind of force that could potentially hurt them by chasing them away. As an alternative, you might use any of the other methods that have already been proven to be effective in dealing with the avian invasion.

Visual control methods to prevent pigeons from stepping on your balcony:

The goal is to use your visual wits to scare the birds away. Since the birds are often believed to be both intelligent and fearless, the effectiveness of visual deterrents will be limited. Therefore, the pigeon frightening device needs to be relocated on a regular basis.

Following ideas are helpful to confuse the pigeons:

     Fake birds:

No one seems to be terrified of the raven, even though it has a reputation for being nasty. Pigeons. To keep the pigeons from roosting on the balcony, put up a plastic replica of their natural predator. If you want to catch a hawk, owl, or buzzard, this method will work just as well. If you have a gadget to scare away pigeons, remember to move it around every so often. More points if you let your dog or cat out into the yard. Birds will avoid your balcony since they avoid coming into contact with pets. Also the best quality and efficient bird prevention netting in Vadodara is offered by Pigeono, is a useful tool to prevent pigeons from roosting or nesting in your balcony.

     Hang CDs:

Retro style with modern utility. Wrap a fishing line with the CDs. Your mobile's reflective surfaces will move in the wind, scaring away the pigeons and preventing them from landing on your balcony.

     Aluminium foil:

The basic idea is the same as the CDs. Long pieces of aluminium foil should be cut and hung from the balcony. Flapping strips that reflect light will throw off pests.

     Glitter balls:

Glass or plastic balls with reflective surfaces can also be used to frighten the birds away with their reflections. These defence mechanisms, which are mounted on wooden sticks, are easy to deploy and may be placed anywhere, including a flowerbed or a planter.


These devices' erratic motions frighten the pigeons away.

Haptic as well as Acoustic systems that scares pigeons:

Most acoustic defence devices have a finite window of effectiveness. When exposed to noise repeatedly, pigeons eventually stop being bothered by it. Therefore, you need continually switch up the tone to keep things interesting. Effective noises include dog barking, calls from birds of prey, and loud bangs that sound random. This precaution, however, must not lead to a noisy problem, as your neighbours certainly won't appreciate the same sounds that you do.

The potential of haptic systems is higher.


Although these can obscure your view, they will prevent pigeons from using your balcony as a perch.


These are not simply found on sports shoes worn by sportsmen - they are also an effective pigeon protection device. To keep birds from landing on your balcony, you can purchase spikes from hardware stores and then mount them. The downside is that the aesthetic appeal of your balcony will suffer. Plastic spike boundaries are also readily available now. If you don't mind a little military aesthetic, you can connect these to your balcony railings. Bird Netting as well as Bird control spikes are the best pigeon repellent devices in India offered by Pigeono.

Dispose of the Pigeon nests from your balcony:

If pigeons build nests on your balcony, get rid of them as soon as possible while protecting your hands and face with gloves and a mask. If you don't, an entire family might move in on your balcony, and you'll have a hard time getting rid of them. If the birds are already nesting, things get complicated.

How to prevent Pigeons from destroying or harming your birdhouses?

Pigeons are known to raid the nesting boxes of smaller birds like titmice and finches in the winter. Therefore, it is imperative that you secure the food supply. Run a string or wire across the centre of the doorway. The entrance will be closed off to pigeons but open to the smaller birds. Pigeons are too large to perch on hanging bird-feeder rings, thus they are not normally protected.

Prohibited measures:

Animals must be protected at all costs. There are other precautions you should take no chances with:

     Defense systems that could potentially injure people are prohibited.

     You must never use chemical or corrosive substances that could poison or harm the animals. Feathers may become irritated or stuck together as a result of exposure to such toxins, which could be painful for the birds.
