
Showing posts with the label Pigeon Problem Solutions india

How to keep Pigeons off your Rooftop?

A million-dollar question is how to keep pigeons away from your rooftops permanently. Pigeons love industrial factories and sites because they have long, flat roofs that are perfect for roosting and nesting. Flat rooftops are just Pigeon bliss in a nutshell! In many places, it is unlawful to remove an active nest from a native bird species, therefore preventing birds from nesting is necessary. There are various species that pose a serious threat to industrial and commercial areas, including pigeons, and sparrows. Workers' health and safety, as well as biosecurity, may be jeopardised, as might property damage and infrastructure breakdown. Birds in commercial as well as industrial premises frequently start roosting and building their nests, therefore companies are always on the lookout for ways to prevent them from doing so. Standard means of bird control are rarely viable or cost-effective. So if pigeons decide to make their home on your roof, it's extremely difficult, but...

Why Bird Control is important near Commercial Building?

  Birds are wonderful creatures, but they can be a nuisance when they decide to establish their nests near business structures. Aside from the irritation that their incessant chirping would cause, having them around poses a health risk. Psittacosis, histoplasmosis, and cryptococcosis are all diseases that can be spread through their droppings.   Furthermore, when droppings begin to pile, they can cause structural damage to buildings or even harm painted walls. They can also make their nests near ventilation vents, obstructing the air supply, or nesting near electrical appliances, posing a fire threat.   If your commercial building is facing bird invasion, contact Pigeono today and get the best Pigeon problem solutions in India .   They can also fly around and scatter leaves and flowers in gardens, as well as peck at fruits from trees, creating general shambles. As a result, it's critical to keep these creatures under control and guarantee that they don't ...