
Showing posts with the label Bird Control Spikes

How to keep Pigeons off your Rooftop?

A million-dollar question is how to keep pigeons away from your rooftops permanently. Pigeons love industrial factories and sites because they have long, flat roofs that are perfect for roosting and nesting. Flat rooftops are just Pigeon bliss in a nutshell! In many places, it is unlawful to remove an active nest from a native bird species, therefore preventing birds from nesting is necessary. There are various species that pose a serious threat to industrial and commercial areas, including pigeons, and sparrows. Workers' health and safety, as well as biosecurity, may be jeopardised, as might property damage and infrastructure breakdown. Birds in commercial as well as industrial premises frequently start roosting and building their nests, therefore companies are always on the lookout for ways to prevent them from doing so. Standard means of bird control are rarely viable or cost-effective. So if pigeons decide to make their home on your roof, it's extremely difficult, but...

Importance of Bird Control Services in your Commercial Premises

  Birds are beautiful creatures, but they may be a nuisance when they build their nests near commercial structures. Aside from the annoyance caused by their constant chirping, having them around poses a health concern. Diseases including histoplasmosis, psittacosis, as well as cryptococcosis can all be conveyed by their droppings. Furthermore, when droppings accumulate, they can cause structural damage to structures, as well as damage to painted walls. They can also build nests near ventilation vents, restricting airflow, or near electrical appliances, providing a fire hazard. They can also fly around scattering leaves and flowers in gardens and pecking at fruits from trees, causing general havoc. As a result, it's crucial to keep these animals under control and ensure that they don't take up residence in commercial structures or build nests in ledges and rafters. Tired of bird invasion in your commercial premises? Get in touch with Pigeono, as they offer the best quali...

How pigeon excrement and nesting is dangerous for us?

  Pigeon excrement (droppings) and nesting material, such as feathers, sticks, or straws, are not only ugly but also pose serious health dangers to both individuals and buildings. Damage and deterioration of structures and infrastructure are common, especially because roofs, balconies, empty buildings, and beams all provide flat surfaces for birds to perch and establish nests.   Pigeons can inflict significant infrastructure damage in two ways. The first happens when a build-up of their excrement causes materials used in construction work to degrade and soften because of their high acidity level. Not only may this be exceedingly harmful to the stability, because the problem is sometimes not noticed until the damage has progressed; in some situations, the affected area has been seriously damaged to the point of being irreparable. Historic buildings made of either sandstone or limestone are extremely sensitive to softer stone surfaces.   Nowadays Pigeon Control Syst...

How to Keep Your Garden Safe from Birds?

  It is not easy to grow a harvest of fruits and vegetables in your garden. You must not only adequately care for each plant on a weekly basis, but you must also safeguard them from any predators. Depending on the critters in your neighbourhood, you may encounter bunnies, deer, insects, and even coyotes. Birds are one garden-loving pest that might be particularly difficult to keep at bay. Consider the following questions to assist you respond to intruding birds and keep as much of your harvest as possible.   Pigeono offers the most distinct Pigeon Control Methods in Gujarat , India. Why are birds attracted to the garden? Before you can properly dissuade birds, you must first determine what it is about your landscape that they adore. First and foremost, birds are drawn to gardens due to the abundance of food available. Though their nutrition varies significantly between species, these animals frequently nibble on your prized fruits and berries. When seeds are available,...