How Bird netting controls Bird Pests?


Bird netting, often known as anti-bird netting, is a technique of pest control used to keep birds away from a variety of crop types. It is essentially a type of protection netting that keeps birds from pecking at or eating various fruits and vegetables, etc.


Bird netting is a simple but effective method of pest management. It successfully prevents birds and other pests from causing crop damage. It is the most effective kind of pest management available for birds, bats, and other flying beings.


Pigeono offers the top quality and humane bird prevention strips to provide protection against birds and bird pests.

How does Bird Netting function?

Bird netting can be used for a variety of purposes, including pest management and crop protection. They are mostly employed by farmers and aqua culturists to minimize excessive losses to their businesses. Bird nettings are sold in rolled-up packets. They can also meet the needs of backyard gardeners and independent producers.

Control Bird Pests via Bird Netting:

The primary goal of any netting is to successfully control any bird damage. Vegetables and fruits such as strawberries, blueberries, grapevines, peaches, plums, nectarines, and figs are protected by bird netting. It also protects crops and seedlings from being ripped apart or destroyed by birds. However, birds are not the sole source of the pestilence that the netting prevents. Bats have also been known to and can cause significant damage to fruits such as apples, mangoes, and pears.


Certain birds, such as grackles and ravens, can be harmful to plant life. They not only inundate trees and other plants, but they also excrete a lot of waste. That is not good for plant life, crops, or the environment. The uric acid in the faeces is not only unpleasant, but it also corrodes metals, paints, and other things. Repairs cost farmers and agricultural growers hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars. In comparison, getting bird netting to avoid damage is a far better option.


Get the top quality bird control products from the leading bird spikes manufacturers in Vadodara, Gujarat, Pigeono.


However, most crucially, anti-bird netting prevents birds and other pests from nesting in those trees. Apple trees, orange trees, lemon trees, pomegranate trees, avocado trees, banana trees, and so on are examples. Essentially, the nets serve as bird roost deterrents. Then, of course, there's the sickness. Birds are known to carry approximately sixty diseases. Pigeons, for example, are carriers of diseases such as tuberculosis, influenza, Toxoplasmosis paratyphoid, Lyme disease, and encephalitis. That doesn't even take into account the hundreds of diseases that bats have been linked to. These infections or diseases might infect your clients and cause your company to be banned by suppliers or blacklisted in the suppliers market. The better option is to install bird netting to prevent this from happening in the first place.

    Crop Protection:

Even if only a small amount of fruit, vegetable, or crop is bitten off, harvesting and selling it becomes impossible. As a result, the harvest or crop may no longer be a financially viable commodity. If it is collected, there is a high likelihood that the fruit will contain bacteria from the bite. It may also transmit rot or ferment, both of which harm the harvested case.


This is why bird safety netting is commonly used on stand-alone trees such as pears, grapes, apples, and peaches. They can even be mounted on the ventilation windows on the sides of growth tunnels. That is great for fruits such as strawberries, cranberries, raspberries, and blueberries.


Pigeono is a popular bird control netting supplier in India.

    Fishery Protection:

When you think of bird nets, you generally don't think of the other applications or uses that they may be put to, but they can also be used to protect fisheries, ponds, and pools. Yes, bird netting is an excellent strategy to prevent predatory birds from taking off small fish and destroying the ecosystems of fisheries, Koi ponds, or any other aquatic life you wish to conserve.


Aqua culturists employ nets to protect tilapia and shrimp farms, to name a few. They guard the farms against marauding birds as well as native birds. Because of the power of our commercial bird netting, they include pelicans, herons, seagulls (of course), and cormorants.

    Building Protection:

Buildings that are vulnerable to birds flying in and becoming a nuisance may also require bird proofing. Bird proofing in these troubled locations is becoming more mandatory for urban bird species that are believed to be more adaptive to city life.


If you are looking for the best-in-class bird prevention products in Vadodara, Pigeono is the right choice for you.


The advantage of this is that it produces a more or less impenetrable barrier that protects premises without really injuring birds. In these cases, netting can be an extremely effective deterrent for big, open surfaces such as roofs and even loading bays. Of course, design considerations must be made, such as the type of material used and the fastening employed. It must essentially be optimised for the bird species that must be kept out.

    Mining Ponds:

Chemical agents are commonly used by miners to aid in the extraction of minerals or metals from crushed rocks. Chemicals are always dangerous to the human body. They must be maintained separately from volatile species and sensitive creatures, such as migrating birds. Bird netting is used to protect birds in this scenario.
