Even after contacting a professional Bird Control Service provider, consumers find it tough to take a call on which bird control method to opt for. Best bird control companies such as Pigeono offer many kinds of bird control services. Depending on factors like which bird, area of contamination, budget and more, it is on consumers to make a final call about the bird control methodology to opt for. Thus, to help consumers make the best and most effective choice for bird control in their property, here is the popular bird control methods including bird control devices followed in India along with their advantages.

Bird Netting

Thinly knit nets are when systematically applied on the bird zone acts as a hindrance and stops birds from entering the premise. Bird nets are available in different sizes and works particularly great for open areas like fields or terrace. Bird net by Pigeono is a popular bird control product available in the market in customizable size and shapes.

Bird Spikes

The second popular way of controlling birds in India is bird prevention spikes. Bird prevention spikes by Pigeono are available in many materials. Bird prevention spikes particularly works great in edges of building, windows, AC ducts, chimneys, and ceilings. This is cost effective, invisible to the naked eye and does not hurt the birds.

Pigeono Bird Spikes are made of ivory, stainless steel or polycarbonate. They are available in white, grey color as well.

These are the top bird control methods in India and their advantages. Pigeono offers all the listed bird repellent devices and services. You may simply get in touch with them for best solution to your problem of birds. You can also choose to get the best of Pigeono bird repellent devices and install them by your own to get a relief from the problem of birds in India.
