How to keep pigeons away from your balcony?

Unfortunately, having pigeons on your balcony is more likely to cause irritation than delight. For the obvious reason that they like to relieve themselves when resting, whether they are perching for a short time or staying there for a while. If you want to get rid of the birds but don't want to hurt them, keep reading! During the colder months, many people enjoy having feathered visitors to their balcony, and one way to do this is to set up a bird feeder to provide food for the birds and provide a unique vantage point for watching them. Pigeons, on the other hand, are not usually seen as a welcome visitor because of the destruction they cause to plants and the poop they leave behind, neither of which are desirable features in a cosy outdoor refuge. The group's cooing has the potential to be really annoying. Some pigeons may even be carrying diseases, so if they become a nuisance on your balcony, it's probably best to get rid of them with the help of humane spikes for bird c...